Monday, March 15, 2010

I've been sick for a couple of days, my eusophagus feels sore and wounded... and in the morning I have severe pain above my stomach (stomach fluids run up the eusophagus at night I figure.) <-- Yes my bed is raised by 4".

The culprit is Chicken Tandoori ;-) . This food is delicious but quite hot&spicy, it's been 3 months since I had these pains.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I wanted to talk about this fruit that helps me a lot...

When I eat more than usual, or eat stuff I know I don't digest too well (which might cause reflux), I eat a slice of pineaplle after my dinner.
This works wonders for me, I know it's acidic and stuff, but it helps digest my food :-).

So I asked a friend of mine who's a doctor and he explained me pineapple contains a unique enzyme.It's called : Bromelain.
It is a proteolytic enzyme (an enzyme that digests proteins) found in fresh pineapple and also in tablets ( I didn't try the tablets yet).

It works for me, it could help for you !

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Hi all,

I decided to share this info, it helps me and it might help you :) .

When I feel moderate reflux I sometimes chew on a Liquorice root (I always have some at work).
Within 10 minutes the moderate reflux is gone :-).

Liquorice is a wonderful natural remedy and it's cheap too.
I also have it in tea form. (after a while you start to like it, when starting out with this it tasted quite awful for me :p ).

Until next time.


ADDED 10th of March 2010 :

In the 1940's licorice was discovered to be useful in treating peptic ulcers. Unfortunately it had side effects that lead to high blood pressure, potassium loss, and fluid retention.

Researchers discovered that the ingredient in licorice that caused those side effects was "glycyrrhizin." They were able to remove 97% of this chemical and the result was a product call "deglycyrrhizinated" licorice, DGL. DGL maintained its healing properties but had no side effects.

DGL was first used to heal ulcers in the stomach and duodenum without suppressing stomach acids. DGL worked just as good as the drugs Zantac or Tagamet that are designed to suppress stomach acid.

As more people used DGL, they found they got relief from a variety of stomach issues - heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, bloating, and gas. In addition, they found using DGL was better than using antacids or acid blockers.

DGL works by improving and restoring the integrity of the esophageal, stomach and duodenum lining. It does this by promoting mucus release and cell rebuilding. The mucus released provides gastrointestinal lining protection from acids and gives the lining time to rebuild and regenerated. The result is healing and strengthening of the affected tissue.

Here's how to use DGL. DGL comes in large tablets that you place in your mouth and allowed to melt. You can chew them slightly but not swallow them since it is your saliva that helps activate the DGL.

By allowing DGL to melt in your mouth the resulting liquid will now run along your esophagus and start the healing process where ever there is tissue inflammation or damage.

Use two tablets 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach. Do not use any water when you are taking the tablets. You can take the tablets at least an hour before you eat and an hour after you eat.

Although DGL provides relief for heartburn, acid reflux and other stomach disturbances it does not totally provide a cure. It does provide recover from damaged gastrointestinal lining as occurs with ulcers, but does not change the level of stomach acid.

In some cases Heartburn is caused by to little or to much stomach acid. When too little acid is causing heartburn or acid reflux it makes no sense to use antacids or acid blocking drugs which decrease your stomach acid even more. Low levels of stomach acid leads to serious illnesses.

Because so much is still unknown about the cause of acid reflux or heartburn, it is known that DGL can give you some acid reflux relief and in some case mild cases cure it.

Use DGL for mild or severe cases of heartburn or acid reflux and you will be surprised at the results you get.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Miso soup

Yesterday evening I started out with miso soup, I just bought this Japanese premade miso soup powder in our local china town ;-) were you have to add 175 cc's of water (I diluted it a bit more though). I added sesam seeds as well.

It feels so good in my body when eating this. I avoided drinking the last bit, there was a lot of ressidue and I feared drinking this would cause me reflux.

I wil definitely try to make this someday and post the recipe here.

Miso is OK for me :-)

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hi all,

I created this blog to reach out to all those reflux/gerd sufferers all over Europe and what we can do to better cope with it.

I'm a 27 year old male and have been diagnosed with reflux for almost 6 years now.

I've been taking PPI's (omeprazole, nexiam, proton pump inhibitors) for a couple of years.
Those helped me a lot the first 4 years. Problem is it hides the problem without being aware you don't tolerate certain foods, I kept drinking Soda, alcohol & pizza's once in a while (food for the gods) :p.

But...(there's always the but :p ), after 4 years they seemed to start giving some nasty side effects & aggravate my situation.

* It felt like my food wouldn't digest anymore
* I was even diagnosed with a very small ulcer/scar in my stomach while taking PPI's
* lost a lot of weight. (I weigh 56kg, always been skinny as a reference, I weighed 60kg when I was 19 years old and did a lot of sports).
* The doctor told me my body probably didn't cope well anymore with the meds and I had to quite them and use Gaviscon instead (yeah right, that would have been a family bottle of gaviscon each 2 weeks... very healthy !!! ).

So I started my journey wihtout taking anything and listening to what my body really needed.
those first 2 months are the worse in all my life, I had acid all the time...

Bit by bit I started to learn what gave me LOTS,Mild,No Acid/Reflux.
This is different for everyone by the way, but hey, you can try it out and see for yourself.

So I will try to post once in a while wat works and doesn't work for me.

I would like to thank Terry Macri for inspiring me to create this blog, see it as the european counterpart :-). Be sure to visit her blog, it contains wonderful recipes and try outs.
She's also willing to be you're guinea pig to test things out :-).